Friday, September 12, 2014

Slow Steady Weight Loss Was A Byproduct of Feeling Happier About Myself

Shellie Schulze - Trainer

I was killing myself slowly
About 15 years ago I realized I was killing myself slowly. I knew I had to do something. But the very LAST THING I wanted to do was go to a gym. I was terrified. I remember to this day how I felt touring the gym that my husband went to. Shaking, sick to my stomach and dizzy. The anxiety was overwhelming. Yet, I knew....I KNEW I had to do something. Gratefully my first trainer and I hit it off wonderfully and I was on my way. 

On my way to being skinny again??? 

No, not even close. Then why did I do this journey? Why did I go to a gym and work out if I wasn't going to be a size "4"? Well the truth is, I did PLAN on being skinny again but in this amazing process, I started to being stronger, healthier and best of all happier! I could start looking people in the eye and smile with confidence! 

Slow steady weight loss was a byproduct

That's when I realized what I needed to treat was my INSIDES. How I felt about MYSELF was my first priority. Slow steady weight loss was a simple byproduct.

Look, if we aren't happy with OURSELVES, no matter what, we aren't going to be happy with ourselves in a size "4". My weight has fluctuated all my adulthood. But my forward motion in this journey we call life has been steady and strong.

I have a passion for my work. Moving our bodies is our first priority in fitness. 
Let's meet. Let's talk. Let's move. Beyond that? Well, that's the forward motion that YOU choose.

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